Monday, October 10, 2016


Nothing like the start of spring that makes everything grow and the insects and pests start tobe noticed again.


Termites are the silent pests and you really are not aware that they are around until you see evidence or damage first hand. If you are out in the garden take a look at trees, fence lines or the tree you cut down and left the stump as that is what they love – soft wood. People are under the impression that insurance covers the damage these pests cause and 99% insurance policies DO NOT cover termite damage.

We offer a $2M 8 year assurance policy when we do our termite barriers so definitely worth getting us to inspect and or treat your property as we use only quality treatments.


We get a lot of call outs for these pest and if there is one thing I will say is DON’T disturb them at all we have protective clothing and they still manage to sting us. What happens is that when disturbed the whole nest attacks and unlike bees who sting once they sting multiple times.

If your in the garden be careful as European wasps nest can sometimes be underground. We had a nest that was the size of a basketball that we removed last season.


We know that bees are in the news at the moment and we always refer our calls to beekeepers to remove unwanted nests but there are times when bees can not be accessed and they become a risk to humans when they are inside walls and hard to get to places and we need to kill them so that they don’t sting humans and pets.


Like spring cleaning now is a great time to treat your property with a general pest treatment. We get asked about spiders and we can treat those for you and will spray their webs, many people though get a broom after we go to take down the web not thinking the treatment will be active for many weeks to come to new spiders that visit the web. So leave the web up for 3-5 weeks for longer term treatment.

Call Bob 0407 065 413 for all your pest needs or go to our website at

Source: Pest Control

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