Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How Crucial Is a Mobile App for the Growth of Your Company?

A few decades ago, if you wanted to run a business, what you needed was a brick-and-mortar office.

A few years later, post-millennium, it became imperative for businesses to have a website. Jump to the present time, and you’ll realize that an increasing number of companies launch mobile apps. In fact, some companies actually work mainly from their mobile app!

The App Advantage

According to a report on Gallup, 52 percent of smartphone users in the U.S., 20 percent check their phone about once in an hour. Unlike a laptop or PC, a mobile device can easily be accessed. As well as being large and often impractical, the former requires a few steps before you can access your files: switching on the monitor, logging on, waiting for the system to load, etc.

Furthermore, a mobile device’s click-of-a-button accessibility is like a “come get me” plea to your marketing department. Since mobile devices are easily used often and are usually within the owner’s reach throughout the day, your mobile app, and in turn, your brand, will constantly be within touching distance.

Another advantage of having a mobile app is that you can stay ahead of the game if your competitors are yet to utilize the platform. This is true when you’re in competition with established companies.

If you want to stay ahead of your competitors and remain at the forefront of new technologies, then you’ll have to consider developing a mobile app for your business. However, before you do that, here are a few things you need to consider.

Know Your Audience

You have to thoroughly research your market and see which platform your audience prefers: web or mobile? You can conduct quick, web-based research on platforms or even send out a survey to your list asking them about their app usage and preferences.

If your market research shows that your target audience is active on both mobile and web platforms, then you should definitely start with a website. Launch a responsive, mobile-friendly website first; if you go straight into an iOS or Android app, you could end up losing a lot of customers and sales.

iOS or Android?

If your market research shows that your audience prefers using mobile apps, you have to then decide which platform to develop: iOS or Android. However,you should bear in mind that there are more Android users in Asia compared to iOS, more iOS users in North America compared to Android, and a near-tie in Europe, according to a report by Developer Economics.

Your decision should come as a result of research on your own market. You should also check out the specs on both Android and iOS platforms to see which one will save you the most money and time.

Is Location Important?

If your service is solely dependent on location and requires instant information on-the-go, it’s best to develop a mobile app.

What’s Your Budget?

When you decide to develop a mobile app, have a look at different app builders on the market and choose the most viable one for your budget. You could even create a prototype app without writing any code, so you can have an idea of what your mobile app would look like.

It’s All about Analysis

Future-proofing your company is something you have to consider when you launch. Remember: Don’t hesitate. In summary, you have to be smart with your numbers and time and not immediately leap into building a mobile app without researching your target market. That should apply to every business decision you make.

For instance, if you already have a website, then you should monitor your Google Analytics. If you see 20-30 percent traffic coming from people using mobile devices, then your decision’s made— start building your mobile app! Always make a decision around your target market’s needs and habits. If your market is crying out for a mobile app, give it to them.

Keep monitoring your audience’s habits and eventually, you’ll soon find out what works and what doesn’t. Analyze, adjust, research and apply!

If we can help you with a new theme or a brand new website please contact us at http://needava.com

Source: App Advantage

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