Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Best Business Video Marketing Strategies
Have you thought about getting video marketing strategies for your business? Here is what happens when you are driving along and think to yourself listening to the radio – I have heard that song before just a little while ago and here it is again and before you know it your humming or singing and can’t get it out of your brain!
I was reading a recent article from Walter Chan from Entrepreneur that I know that many of us will find value from Walter’s insight.

3 Tips for your Video Marketing Strategy
“Video lets you do more than just share information about a product: you can immerse viewers in an inspiring narrative about how your business came to be, and its potential. Video is the most efficient way to form a large-scale human connection — you get to make eye contact and speak face-to-face with an infinite number of people, without additional cost.”
True story happened the other day I was referred by one of my clients and the person went straight to my website and played the short 3-4 minute video and made his mind from the video that I was a person that he wanted to do business with. You can see how videos are very very powerful.
Don’t Just Be a Talking Head
The trick here is not to talk at people unless you have something riveting to say what you are saying will not hold interest. Quiet simple videos that force the viewer to watch words appear on their screen aren’t going to attract the numbers you want.
“TNT is a physical training company that helps people get fit through play. The video shows a playground while small children play, then moves to a gym where customers are doing similar movements and games, as adults.”
Isn’t that clever marketing! YouTube videos are popular as people want to either be educated, entertained or have their problems solved. The video paints a scene that you want to stay in for a while.
We’re flawed and that’s great.
Looking back I can remember the first video I made I was like a startled rabbit in the headlights I fluffed my lines and felt I was tripping over my tongue my whole mouth was dry and I couldn’t spit if my life depended on it. What response I got back is you’re so natural – meaning that you don’t have to be super polished you
“Humor serves the familiarity principle, because laughter releases humor that give you a natural high and a feeling of closeness to the source of the laughter. If your business is quirky or has a sense of humor people can relate to, then use it.”
Your business could even rank on videos for the very same keywords you pay Google Adwords but for a fraction of the price! Its not any video but the video will need to be optimized after you shoot it so Google will pick up the keywords.
Does this all seem too hard? You probably thought making the video was a little out of your comfort zone but we have people to make you and your business beat your competitors with awesome business branding videos that can have you sitting in a TV studio or using other special effects to bring more customers to YOU. Interested to know more?
Contact or email there is also Skype jenny.jordan22 let us help your business today!

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